Archives for category: make up


  1. Benefits of Synthetic Bristles- Hypoallergenic, great with liquid or cream products, like foundation or concealer.  Natural brushes trap products, synthetic create full and smooth cover finish.  They are long-lasting and quick-drying and perfect when applying shimmer to eyelids.
  2. Benefits of Natural Bristles- Very durable, ideal for powder, shadows, bronzers and highlighter.  They are excellent for pick-up and building properties.  Blending is effortless and creates a natural look.
  3. Dense vs. Fluffy- Dense brush deposits are more product of a dramatic look.  Fluffy brush is used to achieve a smoother, more natural look.  A dense brush creates a sultry, smokey eye and a fluffy brush is used for an everyday natural look.  Shorter bristles are better for full coverage, longer are better for sweeping color, using powder and blush.
  4. Blending- This is fundamental to the application process and the number one key for achieving a flawless look.  Blending is crucial to landing a beautiful eye shadow finish.  For example, natural blush blending is ideal for creating the perfect eye shadow crease.  Blending comes in  a good back and forth motion.
  5. Bronzing & Blush- Building coverage can be achieved best by natural bristles, but using a synthetic brush means you can apply more product at a time.
  6. Contour Brushes- This is one of the most popular trends in the cosmetic industry.  With the right brush, this look is easily achieved.  Using a flat, dense blush for precise definition and a fluffy, natural one for a subtle, shadowed contour is best.
  7. Eyeshadow Application- There are five staple brushes needed to create a professional style look.  First use a blending brush to smooth out harsh lines.  Then use a flat synthetic brush to apply loose or pressed shimmer on the eyelid.  After that try a pencil brush for the inner and outer corners of the eye.  Then use a crease brush to intensity the outer corners of the crease.  Finally, use a smudge brush to smoke out or diffuse harsh lines on the creases and lash lines.
  8. Highlight Brushes-  (also known as strobing) This is the latest super trend.  A small natural fan brush is perfect for creating a smooth and diffused glow on the cheekbone.  The natural brush helps disperse the highlighter evenly, picking up less product for a gradual build.  You can use a synthetic brush to apply highlighter to the inner eye and eyebrow bone.
  9. Brush Care-  This is very important for the best makeup application.  It’s essential for preventing breakouts and infections.  Make for regularly deep clean your brushes, and never use products with harsh chemicals or alcohol to prevent drying.  Using an antibacterial soap and water to clean brushes works just fine, but there are soaps specifically made for brushes, both will remove buildup and residue.  If your brushes are becoming a bit dry you can add a tiny amount of oil to soap to prevent further drying while washing.  To dry, just squeeze lightly to remove water and lay flat on a towel or hang upside down overnight.  Larger brushes can take up to 24 hours to dry.
  10. Liner Brushes- The right brush helps you achieve precision and perfection.  Liner brushes help with defining the eyes, filling in the eyebrows or concealing imperfections.  Angled liner brushes help create a winged liner look.  These brushes can be used with powders, gels and creams.

Here at Bellanina we receive messages every day from women (and men!) looking for ways to look and feel better about themselves. The most common complaint we receive is just looking “tired” and “worn”. It seems that this New Year is the perfect opportunity to invite people to try something new and different, shake up their routine and not accept aging gracefully. After all, your age is just a number and at Bellanina we think people only improve with age.

Start by taking command. Look into the mirror after a shower and before you apply any make up or lotions. Really look at your skin and ask yourself, “What do I want to change?” Are you looking for smoother skin? Do you hate the sight of lines around your eyes or mouth? Or do you just want to feel and looked refreshed?

It is important to take this step because in order to truly take control, you must take action with this first step.

By being honest with yourself and your goals, it will be easier to target the best way to achieve them. Most people can’t afford or do not want to pursue drastic and invasive medical procedures (such as plastic surgery) and at Bellanina, we don’t think you should have to do this at all. With proper skin care and the right products, smoother and younger looking skin is not just a dream. It is a reality we can all have for our own.

Here is a simple checklist of areas to consider:

1) Eyes: Are there fine lines beginning to form around the corners or lids? This could be from squinting or rubbing this area. The tissue around the eyes is especially fragile and can be easily damaged or show premature signs of aging.

2) Mouth: As we get older the expressions we hold our faces in most often will eventually develop into lines around the face. “Laugh” or “frown” lines are especially common once people reach their mid thirties. This can be caused by a reduced elasticity in the skin and lowered collagen production.

3) Neck: As the skin begins to lose elasticity it can begin to “droop” in certain areas, especially the neck and chin.

4) Hands: The most overused and abused area of the body. Your hands are exposed to chemicals, weather, water, bacteria and all sorts of germs that can affect how their appearance. Lines, dryness and flaking are all common culprits of “old” looking hands.

5) Thighs and Stomach: At any age a common skin problem is cellulite. Small “dimpling” of the skin that can lead to a cottage cheese appearance. This can be minimized with corrective skin care products.

6) Uneven Skin Tone/Pigmentation: Brown spots, freckles or even patches of skin that don’t match your overall coloring can be minimized. If you have been living with these common issues but unsure of how to deal with them, take charge this year!

7) Facial/Body Acne: Blemishes can be an irritating and ongoing struggle. Don’t let this problem go on for another day!

We invite everyone to contact us and let us help you achieve your goals this year. Our highly trained staff welcomes questions and will help you design a daily routine that will reduce fine lines, smooth skin and replenish lost moisture. By taking the time to incorporate this into your morning routine you will begin to see the results faster than you can imagine.

So contact us today and let us help you achieve your New Year’s resolution! E-mail us your questions at to receive expert advice on how to achieve your skin care goals in 2011!

Have you ever even heard of milia? Probably not, although it is a very common skin condition that effects everyone from infants to the elderly. Basically it is tiny white bumps on the skin. Just like any other skin condition there are several different types and treatments available to help you banish the bumps from sight!

Milia are asymptomatic and usually occur around the eyes in children and adults. Up to half of infants in the United States develop milia at some point. In appearance they are small skin lesions (bumps) that range from pearly white to pale yellow in appearance.

Primary milia are most typically seen in infants but may occur in adults. This type typically forms around the nose and eye region. Secondary milia are seen in different blistering disorders or following dermabrasion. Milia are tiny epideremoid cysts that may be may be derived from the pilosebaceous follicle.


Primary milia may be the result of sebaceous glands that are not fully developed (thus explaining its massive occurrence during infancy). Secondary milia form following blistering or trauma and disruption to the sweat glands. This type can also develop following skin treatments such as dermabrasion or radiotherapy.


The most important thing to remember about milia is that they are completely harmless. As a parent it may be tempting to seek treatment for your child’s skin but left alone it will treat itself over time. Basically it is tiny pockets of dead skin cells on the surface and through the natural exfoliation process and building of new skin cells, skin will heal itself and the tiny bumps will disappear.

It is important to remember that milia is not like acne and should not be “pinched” or “popped”. This could lead to significant scarring when done, especially at home. If you are very concerned over the bumps on your skin or wish to seek treatment, consult with your dermatologist.


The best way to treat milia is to prevent it from ever developing. This is not true in the case of infant milia – an infants skin is very delicate and should not be exposed to excess cleansers or treatments. Consult with your child’s physician before taking any action.

For teens and adults a gentle exfoliation can help in the prevention of milia but will not clear up the condition once it has developed. A gentle exfoliant will help soften the skin and ease the natural exfoliation process and prevent the build up of more dead skin cells. Remember that your skin is sensitive and should not be exposed to harsh chemicals or rough scrubbing as this will only cause more damage and trauma. (Over exfoliation may actually increase the occurrence of milia on the skin so use good judgment when developing a skin care routine).

Want to learn more about proper skin care? Find us online at

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and believe us when we say there is no more critical judge of your face than your set of eyes. Lines, wrinkles and puffiness can all contribute to signs of aging but perhaps the most frustrating problem to face is dark under eye circles. Sometimes referred to as “bags” because they can be accompanied by puffiness, this is something that affects men and women equally. Luckily there are steps you can take to banish the darkness and greet the day with eyes that look as great as you feel.

Before you can treat a problem you have to know the source. Late nights are often blamed for this occurrence but if that were the case a good night’s sleep should provide a simple cure. Anyone who has developed dark eyes knows that sometimes no matter how great your sleep was those bags still taunt you in the morning.

So what could be causing those dark shadows to develop?

Common sources of under eye circles include:

• Allergies
• Heredity
• Pigmentation Irregularities
• Nasal Congestion (there is a reason you don’t look so great when your sick)
• Thinning Skin (result of intrinsic or natural aging)
• Loss of Collagen and Elasticity (result of intrinsic or natural aging)
• Sun Exposure (result of extrinsic aging or aging influenced by the environment)
• Lifestyle Factors like smoking, drinking alcohol or caffeine

Self Treatment versus Professional Care

Seeing a specialist such as a dermatologist can be an expensive choice when dealing with a problem like under eye circles. If you are worried there might be other factors contributing to your dark eyes consult with a physician but there are several at home treatments that you can try as well.

• Cold Compress – try placing a cold or cool compress against your eyes. This can reduce dilation and puffiness temporarily.
• Pillows – an extra pillow under your head at night can prevent fluid from pooling in the lower lids.
• Get More Rest – while it is true that a lack of sleep is not a direct cause of your dark eyes, less sleep can make your eyes appear more hallow and impact the overall look and feel of your skin. Catch some extra “z’s” to keep your skin looking fresh.
• Protect Your Skin – the environment and especially the sun can wreak havoc on your skin in the long run. Overexposure can lead to a myriad of health problems to cover up when possible (sunglasses are an inexpensive way to protect the fragile skin around your eyes) and use sun block, even in the Winter.
• Make Up – Although not all make up will cover those dark circles, try an oil free concealer to help minimize the appearance. This should be paired with a cold compress to reduce puffiness at the same time.
• Serums – There are several great serums available that utilize natural ingredients to minimize the appearance of dark circles. Try using one twice daily to see incredible results!

Don’t let dark circles ruin your day! Fight back against this premature sign of aging by taking control. Home remedies may take time to show full results (allow up to 12 weeks) but are worth the investment on the road to healthier, happier skin care.

Walking through an average cosmetic or health care aisle can be a wild adventure as well as an educational experience. The shelves are lined with mysterious concoctions, all claiming to be the miracle cure for your skin. These special brews come complete with fancy containers, shiny labels and seven syllable words to boggle your mind. Venture closer to these magic elixirs and notice the fine print:

Normal skin
Dry Skin
Oily Skin
Sensitive Skin

You feel your fingers moving up to your cheek as you wonder; what skin type am I? What if I have sensitive skin and just don’t know it? Does one dry patch mean I need dry skin care? Will products meant for oily skin completely ruin my face?

The list of questions can go on and on with no end in sight until you realize that you can come to this mysterious world armed with knowledge and ready to go to battle. Choose wisely and you will benefit greatly from your decision. Choose poorly and you will need to return and choose again.

Normal Skin

First of all remove “normal” and insert “average”. People with other skin types are not “abnormal” and should not feel as such. Millions of people have each skin type listed and there are products specially targeted for each type.

A product labeled “normal skin” is intended for use on healthy, hydrated, even toned skin with small pores and no history of irritation from skin care products. The skin retains good elasticity, good complexion and there are no blemishes.

Most “normal skin” targeted products can be used on all skin types but may not produced treatment effects for certain skin issues.

Oily Skin

Perhaps one of the more dreaded skin types to have because of the negative connotations associated with it and potential self consciousness it can create. The result of overactive sebaceous (oil-producing) glands, this skin type can appear quite shiny, feel slightly greasy to the touch and is prone to acne and enlarged pores.

Products targeted for this skin type typically contain ingredients meant to cleanse the pores, exfoliate the skin and remove the excess oil and grime build up. These products would not be very beneficial for people with dry skin.

Dry Skin

Dry skin can be the result of genetics, the environment, exposure to chemicals and a variety of other causes. Dry skin is trademarked by tiny pores, flaky or ashy texture, fine lines and wrinkles and/or cracked skin.

Products for dry skin focus on re-hydrating the skin cells and stimulating healthy skin cells to develop. Many products will contain fat-soluble ingredients that penetrate the skin’s outer layer to reach the interior layers to replenish moisture from within. Exfoliants are used to shed away dead skin cells build up and reduce flaky texture.


As the name suggests, this skin type is a combination of the three above. Meaning it is possible (and frequent) to have normal skin with an oily “t-zone” which is the bridge of the nose and forehead. Perhaps dry lips with normal skin or dry forehead but the rest of your face is normal.

This skin type generally uses spot specific treatments to correct problem areas and “normal skin” care products for the rest of the face. This could include blemish control for oily areas if needed, masques for application on the t-zone, special creams for the eyes or lips, etc. Consult with an esthetician or dermatologist if you need more help creating an effective skin care routine.

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is very typically dry and very reactive to heat, cold and any substances used on it. That can include all skin products, hair products and chemicals. Irritation may include rash, hives, itching, redness and swelling.

These skin care products are specially designed to omit using chemicals known to irritate sensitive skin but cannot be guaranteed. People with especially reactive skin should always consult with a doctor before beginning any new skin care treatment. Discontinue use of products at the first sign of negative reaction and take precaution by always wearing sun block to protect the sensitive tissue.

Final Thoughts

Have you figured out where you’re at yet and what to buy? Don’t be ashamed if you don’t have “normal skin” because the truth of the matter is, most people don’t. Focus on what problem areas you would like to focus on and choose a skin care routine that will be easy to maintain long term. The most important issue in skin care is persistence and maintenance. You must follow your individual plan every day and stick with it for your entire life. That is not meant to sound like a prison sentence, merely a reminder that skin care is not something you can do occasionally and expect to see real results.

How many times in life do we go into a store looking for skin care solutions and end up leaving dazed and confused by which product works best? Walk down the beauty aisle at your local pharmacy and you will literally be bombarded with hundreds of products all promising you fast and effective results. With all this information being thrown your way, it is easy to get a little lost and certainly not be sure which product is really the one you need.

Before you run away and hide under the covers, try to re-evaluate your needs and shop smarter. Do your homework before choosing any new skin care products, research the key ingredients and learn about the efficacy (effectiveness) of the key ingredients from an independent source rather than from manufacturer claims. By utilizing the web to your advantage you can research product reviews from actual consumers and get the real “dirt” on popular name brand items before making an investment of your time, money and skin care health.

Once you have taken the steps towards better skin care knowledge its time to buckle down and make a choice. Skin care products can range from generic brands costing only a few dollars for massive quantities to high end merchandise costing hundreds of dollars for only an ounce. While the generic brand tub of lotion may seem like a great deal at first glance take a moment to consider the alternatives. If you are looking for potent skin care, you’re not going to find the results you want in the massive gallon of lotion on discount for $1.99 next to the candy bars. Step away from the sale and move on in your search.

The best plan of attack when it comes time to update your skin care routine is search for products available in small sample sized containers. This can come in the form of travel sized options (usually 2 ounces or less) or small foils packets (sometimes just referred to as foils). Many companies offer sample sets of products that are designed to be used together – these cost significantly less than their full sized counterparts and give you the opportunity to try a product without being commitment to an entire bottle. In these somewhat difficult financial times nothing hurts worse than buying something that turns out to be a dud.

When to invest…

Once you have tested a product and feel it is a good match for your needs, make the investment (even if it means spending a little more) and buy a 4 to 8 ounce container. Several skin care products are specially formulated to provide drastic results over time (sometimes upwards of six months) so don’t give up on a product that doesn’t transform your entire face overnight. Whether you are performing preventative skin care (always a good strategy) or trying to reverse damage (like fine line and wrinkles), the skin needs time to adapt and change. By trying to rush the process you could actually risk hurting your skin instead of helping it.

Depending on the recommended usage and quantity needed, 4 to 8 ounces is a relatively safe choice for your initial purchase and should last long enough for you to begin seeing results before needing to reorder. Buying in bulk may not be the wisest decision because skin care products, once opened, do have a shelf life. Depending on the product this can range from 3 months to a year (on average). Check with the manufacturer for details if you need more information on a particular product.

Time to Review!

So what do you need to remember next time you hit the drug store to find a new skin care cream to take care of those pesky crow’s feet?

Start Small and Do Your Research!

Skin care isn’t rocket science but it is an art to be mastered. Mistakes will happen but you can avoid wasting serious time and money by shopping smarter!

Make up is perhaps the ultimate catch 22.By covering uneven skin tones, adding eye catching lipstick and making your eyes “pop” with the perfect lash enhancing mascara, you can magically transform from ordinary to extraordinary! But what about at the end of the day when you come home and the last thing you want to do is stand in the bathroom for twenty minutes scrubbing your face clean? Do you just go to bed and worry about it in the morning? Anything meant for your face can’t be that bad for your skin, right?

The answer is NO.

Make up is extremely detrimental to your skin and can cause havoc on your efforts to keep your skin healthy and radiant naturally. Make up can only go so far to cover common skin problems (such as uneven coloring, blemishes, fine lines) but at the end of the day, proper skin care is going to be your greatest ally in keeping yourself looking beautiful in the years to come. If you want to wear make up during the day, remember to time into properly taking it off at the end of the day.

Use a basic make up remover A cleanser specifically designed to remove make up is a great way to break down the oils and other ingredients used in most cosmetics to keep them on and prevent smearing during the day. A good eye make up remover should be used because these will be specifically designed to prevent irritation during use and gently remove build up from mascara and eye shadows in the fine lines surrounding the sensitive eye tissue.

Use: Apply remover to cotton pad and gentle wipe across skin (so not apply pressure around eye). Allow remover to dissolve make up and may need to be repeated.

Remember that although you may have removed all the visible traces of make up from your skin, trace amounts of grimes and oils are still embedded in your pores and it is important to cleanse properly to remove these as well. Build up in the pores leads to acne, break outs and unhealthy build up of dead skin cells over time. Keep your skin clean and happy by using a daily cleanser, exfoliate and toner. Dirt, grime and debris are the last think you want covering your skin before going to bed at night and will not leave you feelinf refreshed and beautiful in the morning. Remember it’s call beauty sleep for a reason!

Want to hear a secret? Did you know that proper skin care can reduce or eliminate the need to wear make up entirely? No joke!

Skin care products meant to tone and target many common skin complaints can be used to eliminate these problems completely. Think of all the time and money you could save by developing a daily skin care routine that would give you the beautiful and vibrant skin you have always dreamed of (without cosmetic enhancement). Check us out online to learn more great skin care tips and solutions!