Archives for category: cracked skin

Rethink Your Moisturizer

That light and creamy moisturizer you used all summer isn’t going to cut it when the weather is cold and dry and humidity levels are low. Find thcopper peptidee right moisturizer for your skin type and add a skin serum underneath for additional hydration. For example, if you have acne prone skin, try Bellanina Botanical Calendula Oil Free Crème using our Copper Peptide Serum as an additional hydrator underneath. For dry skin, you want to use a moisturizer with oils such as safflower or soybean.   Our Restorative Marine Moisturizer with soybean oil is tops for hydrating in the cold winter months.

 Rethink How You Bathe

Although it is tempting to take a long, hot shower or bath when it is chilly outside, it prevents your skin from retaining all of the moisture it needs. A hot shower or bath affects the outer layer of the skin called the epidermis which has cells called keratinocytes. These cells, loaded with keratin (also found in hair and nails), provide the body’s defense against the outside environment and help to provide the barrier to allow your skin to retain moisture. In addition, your body produces a thin layer of oil on the skin’s surface to help this moisture retention.

Here’s what happens. The heat from your shower or bath softens your skin’s oils. Just think of how butter reacts when it is heated. When you add soap to the equation, your skin’s oil barrier can get quickly stripped away. Without these oils, the moisture in your skin escapes, leading to dryness and itching. The longer and hotter the shower, the faster this process takes place and the more moisture you’re likely to lose.

So, keep your shower or baths as brief as possible with lukewarm water. Don’t rub, but pat yourself dry and be sure to apply your body/face moisturizers within a minute after bathing while your skin is still slightly damp.

Exfoliation Is Even More Important In The Winter

Let’s talk about why. Cold, dry air coupled with intermittent bursts of hot, dry air indoor heating sucks the moisture out of cells, leaving skin feeling tight, dull and sometimes flaky. Cell turnover doesn’t actually slow down during the winter months, however, the weather extremes between hot and cold cause skin cells to ‘die’ faster as they dehydrate. As we age, our rate of skin cell turnover is reduced making exfoliation even more important.

Very gentle, exfoliation twice a week will wash away these dead cells at the surface, to reveal smoother, younger looking skin. Also, exfoliators improve the effectiveness of moisturizers. Since you will be using even more monew_jojobacroppedisturizing lotions and creams in the winter, you’ll want to exfoliate to maximize their hydrating potential.

There are two main types of exfoliants: chemical and physical.  Our Cosmeceutical Glycolic Cleanser is an example of a chemical exfoliant that contain glycolic acid. Our Jojoba Exfoliating Cleanser is a physical exfoliant that employs natural jojoba beads to “scrub” away the dead cells.  It is always important to apply moisturizing cream or lotion to the skin immediately after exfoliation for the maximum hydrating effect.

Don’t Forget Your Lips

Always use lip balm or petroleum jelly to both moisturize and create a protective barrier between your lips and the cold, dry winter air. airlipvibran-c balm when you are doing the rest of your skin care, make it part of your routine. If your lips are particularly chapped, you can make your own lip scrub to smooth aways the dead flaky skin. All you need to do is apply a generous amount of petroleum jelly to your lips and then rub them with a little sugar or a soft toothbrush using circular motions. Remember to be gentle and that all of the flaky skin may not come off in one treatment! You can also use our Vibran C lip treatment with lots of Vitamin C to repair your chapped lips.

Give Your Feet A Good Night’s Rest

For dry, callused feet, gently buff away the calluses with a pumice stone or foot scrub before bed. Immediately apply a thick moisturizer while your feet are still damp and wear socks made of natural fabric overnight. If that doesn’t do the trick, then up your game with an over the counter cream containing glycolic acid or urea that will exfoliate as well as moisturize. If you do that for a month, you should see some great results!


Everyone at some point in their life will have chapped lips. Whether it is a mild annoyance or a serious interference on your everyday life, chapped lips should never just be ignored.

What causes chapped lips?

Chapped lips can occur for many reasons. Common causes include:

  • Dry/Cold weather: During the winter especially, staying inside and relying on forced air can dry out the skin, especially the lips and lead to cracking skin.
  • Medications: certain medications, such as those containing retinoids, high doses of vitamin a or certain chemotherapy medications can lead to dry skin, especially in the lips.
  • Dehydration: a lack of hydration affects all areas of your body, including the delicate skin on your lips.
  • Frequently licking your lips: it may sound counter-intuitive but frequently licking your lips can actually remove moisture and cause your lips to feel drier and begin to crack. Side note: bacteria from your mouth can enter these tiny cracks and cause infections – this can lead to serious medical problems that require medication.

How can they be fixed?

The good news is many over-the-counter remedies will work to smooth your lips and restore proper hydration. Here are some simple tips to remember:

  • Your lips need to be protected just like the rest of your skin. Choose a lip balm with SPF to prevent any damage from UV rays.
  • Avoid flavored lips balms which encourage licking as these will remove the balm and cause your lips to dry out further.
  • Lips balms with aloe vera and vitamin e may help to reduce redness and irritation.
  • Reapply frequently as lip balm gets removed by daily activities such as talking and eating.

One product that really works is Vibran C .  

When to seek medical attention

Persistent dry lips which do not respond to at-home treatment options should be looked at by a medical professional. Remember that your skin is an indicator of overall health and you should not ignore persistent skin issues, even if they seem inconsequential.

Sensitive skin has become one of those “catch all” phrases that describes a variety of things but does not carry a clear definition. Millions of people have sensitive skin but what does that mean exactly? Do they react badly to skin care protects? Are they especially affected by exposure to the sun? Do certain types of fabrics cause problems?

It’s easy to understand why the term “sensitive skin” may carry different meanings for different people. For example: if someone is complaining about sensitive skin to their esthetician, do they mean they are allergic to certain products or perhaps their skin simply reacts to certain ingredients more intensely than most people do. With so much variation in how a person may define their “sensitive” skin, it is important to understand how they are defining the term, sensitive.

Acne or Rosacea: Skin that is especially sensitive to products may react by producing acne or inflaming an existing rosacea condition. Excessive oils in products can easily clog the pores for people with this type of sensitivity. Instead of using products specially designed for “sensitive skin”, search for the underlying problem such as oily skin or inflamed skin.

Burning and Stinging: Some people apply a skin care product and immediately (or even after a few minutes) begin to experience a “burning or stinging” sensation on the face. This is not necessarily the same as an allergic reaction. Usually the cause of this sensation cannot be pinned down and remains unknown. Some ingredients have been known to cause this reaction more frequently including: lactic acid, azaelic acid, benzoic acid, glycolic acid, vitamin c and AHA’s.
A dermatologist may perform a test (once again, not an allergy test) to determine which ingredient the skin in reacting to so a patient can avoid products that will invoke a reaction. Currently there is no substantive research to determine why the skin will responds this way or a treatment that will work for everyone when it occurs. Usually removal of the product will reduce the sensation and it will go away on its own after a few minutes to several hours (depending on the original application amount).

Contact Dermatitis (Allergies): Finally, the issue most people refer to when they talk about sensitive skin. This refers to a specific allergy to a product, material or ingredient that causes an adverse reaction. An allergen is a reaction to a specific ingredient which your body is producing anti-bodies to combat the reaction. This is not the same as an irritant which will cause a reaction when applied to the skin (such as bleach on skin) but your body is not actively fighting as an allergy.

Trying to Determine the Cause: When a dermatologist is searching for the cause of an allergic reaction, they will need to rely heavily on a patient’s history to narrow down possible suspects. Remember, doctors need complete disclosure of any product usage to obtain accurate results. When you withhold critical information for one reason or another, it prolongs the process and could lead to misdiagnosis and unnecessary additional tests to find an unknown cause.

Avoiding the Problem: If you are shopping for new products or want to undergo any skin care treatment, make sure to inform your esthetician of any adverse reactions you’ve had prior to your appointment. This will prevent complications when specialized products are used. Remember that many spa products use higher concentrations of ingredients to obtain more dramatic results so telling your esthetician in advance can prevent a severe reaction.

Conclusion: Searching for products geared towards “sensitive skin” can be a waste of time and money if you don’t know to root of your problem. Determining a true allergy versus and irritation can help resolve a lot of mystery and ensure you have proper treatment should an allergic reaction occur. Remember that not all skin reactions require medical attention but if you have any concerns or contact with potentially dangerous materials, contact your primary care physician immediately. A referral to a skin care specialist may be necessary for especially sensitive care cases or concerns.

Learn more great skin care tips online at

No, that’s not a typo. Over the past few decades salt has been getting a bad reputation. Too much salt in one’s diet can lead to a myriad of health issues. Doctors continually tell us to reduce our sodium intake and avoid adding more salt to already salty foods. While it is true that excessive salt can be detrimental to one’s health, there is research to support that using salt externally may be actually beneficial for your health.

But let’s take a moment to realize that salt is actually an essential element that we need, in moderation. More interesting is the fact that salt can be used to improve your skin as well. Obviously we’re not talking about your average table salt.

“Salt therapy” has been around since the 19th century and although it has been popular in Europe for some time, spa goers in the United States are now starting to take notice of the potential healing benefits salt could provide the skin. Halotherapy has been used in the past to treat many respiratory and dermatological problems. Spas are now offering it as a way to increase the relaxing environment and offer their clientele a new way to improve the appearance of their skin.

So how does it work?

It involves sitting in a halochamber covered in rock salt. During the treatment, dry sodium chloride enters the chamber via a halogenerator (functioning like a nebulizer). The generator controls the chamber temperature, humidity levels and the concentration of sodium chloride. This set up is meant to simulate the salt caves in Europe.

The salt will increase circulation and this will help encourage healing of small cracks in the skin. As an added bonus it will also reduce inflammations and kill bacteria and fungus. It has also been used in the treatment of respiratory ailments such as asthma and allergies.

Important to Note

Salt therapy should not be used in replacement of traditional medical treatments for these conditions. Like most wellness treatments, salt therapy is designed to compliment traditional medical remedies. Consult with your health care practitioner before using salt therapy to assist in the treatment of ANY medical condition.

Have you ever stopped to look at your feet? Feet are one of those areas of the body that are overworked and underappreciated. Whether you sit at a desk or walk around all day, your feet are suffering constant abuse. In the middle of winter you may not care about how your feet look but when summer rolls around you may wish you had spent just a little time preparing your feet for to be showcased in those fabulous new strappy sandals.

Examine your feet carefully:
Does the skin around your toes appear dry and flaky?
Is your heel covered with dry and course skin?
Are there calluses lining the pad of your foot?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions you are one of the millions of people with dry skin. Dry skin is a chronic skin type that can come and go and may only affect certain areas of the body (such as the feet or hands). Dry skin is mostly just irritating but can lead to problems such as cracks or infections if left untreated. During the winter dry skin increases due to changes in the environment and increased use of interior heaters which remove necessary moisture from the air.

So what may have caused your cracked heels and dry toes?

Many things can influence your feet such as wearing properly fitted shoes, age, psoriasis, diabetes, athlete’s foot, exposure to outside elements and lifestyle. Your feet develop thicker skin due to constant use (and abuse) but this skin can still be easily damaged. Taking the time to repair this damage will not only make your feet look better but feel better too.

What to do:

A pumice stone is a wonderful investment when trying to combat extremely dry or tough skin. This will help remove build up of dead layers of skin and allow healthy new skin to develop.

Apply a foot cream designed to soften those rough spots. Apply this at night and wear socks to bed to help seal in the moisture and give your feet time to repair while you sleep. Avoid lotions as most contain alcohol which will cause more dryness and may irritate the damaged areas (especially cracked skin).

Examine your shoes and invest in a new pair if you notice any tightness or rubbing against the skin. Improperly fitting shoes can lead to much more significant problems than dry skin in the long run!

Final Thoughts

You may not think your feet need care but remember that taking care of your body is important and neglecting any area will lead to trouble down the line. Most foot care treatments require five minutes or less a day to apply and can be done at night to avoid disrupting your day. Be ready to break out the sandals this summer and have fabulous looking feet that will be the envy of all the toes at the beach!

Have you ever tried to nod your way through a conversation without really understanding what someone is talking about?

It is not your job to understand every skin treatment available but when you receive a service at a spa it is nice to understand what the heck they are doing and why. Paraffin wax is one of those delicious spa terms we hear all the time but may have no clue about what it truly means.

Why is it important to learn? The same reason it is important to read instructions before you take a medicine. Anything that touches or enters your body will have an effect on it and as a wise consumer it is important to know about what a product is doing, why it is being used and most important – any possible side effects.

So what’s the skinny on paraffin wax?

In the simplest terms, paraffin wax treatments are utilized in spas to moisturize and soften the skin. They are usually reserved for the toughest areas of skin on the body such as the hands and feet. Many spas will offer this treatment as part of or as an optional addition to manicures or pedicures.

Paraffin waxes are different from other types of waxes used in spas in that it is softer (due to paraffin oil). It melts at a much lower temperature than other waxes and will not burn or blister the skin when it is submerged. In many spas, the wax is heated in special vats prior to a treatment.

So what does the treatment entail?

Paraffin wax is designed to coat the skin and left to absorb for up to half an hour to see the full benefits. An esthetician or beautician may have the client submerge their hands or feet several times in container of this wax to create an even coat over the surface. The hands and feet would then be wrapped in plastic (or some other type of non absorbent material).

After the treatment the wax is removed in a single piece. Because of the oil, this wax does not bind to the skin and can come off easily without pain. Skin should feel soft and smooth following a paraffin treatment.

When would I get one done?

Paraffin wax treatments can be done all year but they are especially ideal in the winter (colder climates particularly) since they can help to repair dry and cracked skin. Remember the skin needs moisture to stay smooth and during the winter it can lose a lot of moisture throughout the day without being properly replenished.

Who should avoid this treatment?

People with diabetes tend to have trouble with submersion of the feet into warm liquids so this treatment is not recommended.

Pregnant woman can receive this treatment but should remember that chronic foot swelling is common and a treatment that utilizes heat will not benefit this condition. Try looking for treatments that use cold or cooling methods to ease this problem.

If you have any type of foot condition such as fungus or athletes foot it is important to tell your therapist prior to treatment. To avoid contamination of the wax they may need to prepare an alternative way of applying the treatment.

Final Thoughts

Trying out a new treatment is always an exciting prospect at the spa. Paraffin wax is an excellent and soothing choice for those seeking an effective solution for dry or rough skin. Call your local day spa to set up an appointment. Go with confidence now that you know what you need to know!

Other Choices:

After receiving your paraffin wax it is important to maintain that soft and silky skin. Why not try a baby smooth foot creme to keep for toes and heels looking great all year! For your hands try the soothing touch hand cream – guaranteed to keep your fingers luxuriously soft!

Here at Bellanina we receive messages every day from women (and men!) looking for ways to look and feel better about themselves. The most common complaint we receive is just looking “tired” and “worn”. It seems that this New Year is the perfect opportunity to invite people to try something new and different, shake up their routine and not accept aging gracefully. After all, your age is just a number and at Bellanina we think people only improve with age.

Start by taking command. Look into the mirror after a shower and before you apply any make up or lotions. Really look at your skin and ask yourself, “What do I want to change?” Are you looking for smoother skin? Do you hate the sight of lines around your eyes or mouth? Or do you just want to feel and looked refreshed?

It is important to take this step because in order to truly take control, you must take action with this first step.

By being honest with yourself and your goals, it will be easier to target the best way to achieve them. Most people can’t afford or do not want to pursue drastic and invasive medical procedures (such as plastic surgery) and at Bellanina, we don’t think you should have to do this at all. With proper skin care and the right products, smoother and younger looking skin is not just a dream. It is a reality we can all have for our own.

Here is a simple checklist of areas to consider:

1) Eyes: Are there fine lines beginning to form around the corners or lids? This could be from squinting or rubbing this area. The tissue around the eyes is especially fragile and can be easily damaged or show premature signs of aging.

2) Mouth: As we get older the expressions we hold our faces in most often will eventually develop into lines around the face. “Laugh” or “frown” lines are especially common once people reach their mid thirties. This can be caused by a reduced elasticity in the skin and lowered collagen production.

3) Neck: As the skin begins to lose elasticity it can begin to “droop” in certain areas, especially the neck and chin.

4) Hands: The most overused and abused area of the body. Your hands are exposed to chemicals, weather, water, bacteria and all sorts of germs that can affect how their appearance. Lines, dryness and flaking are all common culprits of “old” looking hands.

5) Thighs and Stomach: At any age a common skin problem is cellulite. Small “dimpling” of the skin that can lead to a cottage cheese appearance. This can be minimized with corrective skin care products.

6) Uneven Skin Tone/Pigmentation: Brown spots, freckles or even patches of skin that don’t match your overall coloring can be minimized. If you have been living with these common issues but unsure of how to deal with them, take charge this year!

7) Facial/Body Acne: Blemishes can be an irritating and ongoing struggle. Don’t let this problem go on for another day!

We invite everyone to contact us and let us help you achieve your goals this year. Our highly trained staff welcomes questions and will help you design a daily routine that will reduce fine lines, smooth skin and replenish lost moisture. By taking the time to incorporate this into your morning routine you will begin to see the results faster than you can imagine.

So contact us today and let us help you achieve your New Year’s resolution! E-mail us your questions at to receive expert advice on how to achieve your skin care goals in 2011!

Have you ever sat down to study your complexion in the mirror and been less than satisfied with what your looking at? Your complexion is natural color, texture and appearance of your skin. Skin can look radiant, smooth and healthy or it can appear sallow, discolored and sickly depending on your state of health and how well you take care of your body and especially your skin.

The history of how a “good complexion” has been measured dates back to as early as ancient Greece and some of the most affluent philosophers of that age. The complexion was thought to be the result of four fluids that permeated the body. Later this was transformed into theories about balance in the body and temperaments. Health of an individual was determined by complexion but since complexions can vary between different individuals there was no one best complexion to have.

Your individual complexion is the result of biology. Skin color is determined by melanin in the cells and causes variation in tone. The overall health and appearance of your skin is determined by a variety of factors including your heredity and external factors like exposure to sun, chemicals or even the food you eat. Your skin is sensitive to the environment (both inside your body and outside) and taking proper care of your skin is an important step in maintaining a healthy complexion.

Improving your complexion doesn’t have to be a stressful task. Incorporating a simple skin care regimen into your morning or nightly routine can take years of stress and premature aging off your face. Start slow and build a routine that is custom tailored to your skins needs.

Tricks of the Trade:

1) Moisturize Daily – nothing is better for your skin than staying hydrated. Moisturize in the morning after cleansing the skin and at night before going to bed.

2) Exfoliate – Removing the dead skin cells that build up naturally over time can make a big difference in your skins natural ability to look fresh and smooth. Use a gentle exfoliant on your face and body to prevent premature fine lines and wrinkles from developing.

3) Correct now – Don’t wait for problems to become too significant to treat at home. If you notice dry patches, oily regions or uneven coloring use some preventative treatments designed specifically for your skin issue. Leaving a problem to “heal itself” can be more costly and time consuming to fix in the long run.

4) Protect Yourself – use a sun block even in the winter to protect your skin from sun damage.

5) Eat Right! Your body needs nutrients to stay healthy and your skin will reflect a balanced and healthy diet filled with vitamins, protein and minerals. Some natural ingredients (such as Vitamin C) will improve the overall look of your skin and they are frequently used in many skin care products.

Winter is coming and that means cold temperatures, wind and oh yes, chapped lips. Dry skin may be the most frequent skin condition to flair up in the general population during these colder months because of the sudden drop in humidity and overexposure to those dry winter winds. Although this can be an annoying and unattractive problem, it is generally easy to treat and clears up quickly.

So what are “chapped” lips anyway? Chapped skin is tissue that lacks proper moisture and literally dries out. The dry skin develops fine lines, tiny cracks and can become red or irritated when left untreated. People who have chronic dry lips due to allergies or perhaps frequently lick their lips can develop chapped lips all year round.

Without treatment chapped lips can become uncomfortable or even painful. As the dry tissue begins to develop tiny cracks it can lead to irritation and even infection over time. Remember that any cut that is exposed to bacteria is at risk for infection and the mouth and face is a notorious “hot spot” for germs and bacteria.

Treating the problem is a simple process but does require frequent application throughout the entire day. A simple lip balm is the best remedy for chapped skin because it contains wax or lanolin that will seal in moisture and provide a protective barrier for the skin to heal. This is almost in place of applying a band aid over a paper cut. Sealing in moisture will allow the skin to begin the process of re-hydrating. Since chapped lips can be a chronic problem in winter, it is smart to apply a lip balm before going outside even if you do not have chapped lips. The thick coating will lock out the drier air and keep your lips feeling their best.

Tips to prevent chapping:

During the winter apply lip balm daily to prevent chapping from occurring.
Once chapped lips have formed, apply lip balm frequently throughout the day (especially after eating or any activity where the lip balm might have been diminished or removed)
Avoid “flavored” lips balms if you are prone to licking your lips or when applying lip balm to children. This will not only remove the balm entirely but increase the dryness at the same time.
Cover up your lips when going outside – even if it is only for a few minutes. A simple scarf or ski mask will protect your lips, cheeks and nose from the dry air.

Want more great tips on beating the winter dry skin battle? Check us out online at!

Let’s face facts: As we age, our skin goes from baby smooth to drip and droop. If you are like most women, trying to prevent your “true” age from showing may be a continuous battle that you may or may not feel like you are losing. Every day new lines and wrinkles show up where they never were before and although this can be disheartening, we encourage all women to take a stand against aging!

Here is another fact to chew over: You do NOT need to be twenty to have fabulous skin. Beautiful skin is the reflection of proper skin care, a good diet and a conscious effort to look your best at any age. If you have fabulous skin when you’re twenty, that’s the result of genetics but having fabulous skin at fifty? That’s something to brag about!
Wrinkles begin to show as early as your mid-twenties. These begin as fine lines around the eyes, lips, chin and nose. These initial signs of aging should be the first red alarm that your skin care routine needs to be updated. A daily moisturizer is a simple way to combat these early signs but can be ineffective during the greater battle. Remember you are not just fighting time – genetics, the environment and natural biology will all play a role.

Start with a basic understanding of what to expect by studying your family. A mother being a “preview” of what you can expect to look like in twenty years is a phrase that holds some truth. Genetics play a HUGE role in how we develop and that doesn’t stop during the advanced aging process. If your mother (or father) has deep wrinkles, pronounced sagging skin or develops uneven skin texture and color, these are all problems you may need to eventually face but should certainly act upon to prevent. Yes, prevent. Skin care is not just about dealing with the problems as they arise; it’s about stopping them before they start!
Design a system that will target your specific skin types and needs. We recommend a six step system that will cleanse, exfoliate, tone, correct, moisturize and protect.
Begin with a basic cleanser: depending on your particular skin type and whether you are seeking botanical, natural organic or Cosmeceuticals (anti-aging) this may vary. A good cleanse will remove excess debris and oils from the skin, preparing it for step two.
Exfoliation: The build up of dead skin cells and debris is a prime source of wrinkles and fine lines in the face. A gentle exfoliant will remove this build up without causing damage to your skin.
Toner: After cleansing and exfoliation, you may wonder why you should bother adding in a toner. Water contains harsh minerals that will build up on your skin, even when you are rinsing off the cleanser and toner. A quick rub of toner will remove these impurities and leave your skin primed for more aggressive care.
Correct: Should your skin have any special issues such as uneven skin tone, discolorations, redness, loss of elastic, dark eye circles – now is the step to apply targeted products. Your skin is clean and ready to receive these treatments without applying it to unnecessary dead skin cells.
Moisturize: Hydration will play a key factor in keeping your skin looking beautiful. Your skin relies on water and natural oils to stay smooth and feel beautiful. By removing these oils to remove the grime and debris, we are actually depriving our skin of its most basic essentials. Now it is time to replenish the skin with carefully designed moisturizers that will penetrate the outer layers of skin and reach the deepest layer. Healthy new skin cells will develop and give you that smooth skin you want and deserve!
Protect: If you’re outside, protect your skin by covering up with a SPF 30 moisturizer. This will prevent sun damage and keep your skin safe. Remember that any exposure is really too much so even in the winter when the sun may not be so obvious, add this to your daily routine!
Occasional Masques: Applying a masque one a week or every other week is a great way to penetrate the skin even further. These will often exfoliate and hydrate the skin simultaneously and leave your face and body feeling smooth and glowing.

Take control of your skin today and take steps towards keeping your skin healthy, beautiful and youthful for an entire lifetime!