Archives for category: old age

“If you hold your face like that, it will get stuck!”

As we age, our skin slowly loses its elasticity. Add to that repetitive facial holding patterns (such as scowling, frowning, eyebrow furrowing) and you get deep lines around the mouth, eyes and nose. As children, those lines would disappear as soon as we stopped making faces but as an adult, those lines soon show up all the time. What can you do?

Stop making faces.

This may seem like a no-brainer but it’s actually much harder than it sounds. When you stare at a computer screen for long periods, read for hours on end or concentrate on a single task, it is easy to forget to relax your face. Think about it: how many times have you realized that you have been staring at a computer screen while squinting your eyes for several minutes? It may seem like nothing but all those minutes add up fast!

Quick fix: Make an effort to take frequent breaks while working. This doesn’t need to be a long break to get a cup of coffee. Just make an effort to look away from the computer screen for 30 seconds every few minutes and allow your face a chance to relax. This goes for any other project requiring long periods of concentration.

Long-term solution: Facial lines are not necessarily permanent but do require an active effort to smooth out. Deeper lines, once they have formed, may never disappear entirely. Remember that skin care is a daily responsibility and with an active effort, you can keep your skin looking smooth and vibrant.

            Choose a good moisturizer: A loss of elastin as we age is a main culprit of lines and wrinkles. Choose a good daily moisturizer that is designed for mature skin. A moisturizer combined with an SPF of at least 30 (Sheer Moisturizer SPF 30) will not only protect your skin against harmful damage but also provide hydration at the same time.

Serums: Finding the correct products for your needs can seem like a daunting task but remember there are trained estheticians available who can help you develop a customized skin care system. Corrective products will help your skin to restore its natural functioning (which can deteriorate with age) and keeps it looking healthier. Products like our Alpha Lipoic Serum penetrate the outer layer of the skin (which is what you want in a corrective product) to help achieve long-term results.

The earlier you begin a daily skin care routine, the better your chances are to keep your skin looking better. Mature skin has special concerns and may require more targeted skin care products to achieve lasting results. Consult with your esthetician to develop your skin care routine. Learn more online at

Just because you’re taking a break from reality doesn’t mean your skin won’t suffer the consequences. Whether you are heading to a tropical paradise or snowy ski resort, exposing your skin to the harmful elements can only lead to trouble. Be sure when you’re packing for your trip this holiday to include your Bellanina Basic Travel Kit.

Travel sized skin care products are small enough to carry easily in your purse or luggage and offer all the benefits of your home skin care regimen out on the road. Sun, cold wind, dirt and debris are all major causes of premature aging and skin conditions such as acne. It may seem like only a small break to you but every day matters in skin care and every day you leave your skin exposed is another step you’re going to need to take to repair the damage later on.

Bellanina Cleanser: A cleanser is the basic foundation of any skin care. Remember that soap can leave residue behind and therefore is not effective for truly cleaning your face and removing the build up of debris on your skin. Most soap actually has a drying effect on the skin and lead to dryness or flaking. A good cleanser should be non-abrasive and gentle remove residue without causing damage to the skin. Some cleansers contain a mild exfoliant (tiny beads or a grainy texture) that will remove dead skin cells at the same time.

Bellanina Toner: After cleansing use a clean cotton pad to apply a thin layer of toner over your face. Water has minerals that can be left behind and toner is the final clean up to ensure your skin is as clean as possible.

Botanical Moisturizer: Although removing excess oil and debris from your skin is essential to keeping it healthy, your skin thrives when it is well hydrated. After removing the natural oils it is important to rehydrate the skin with a light way, non greasy moisturizer. Using a moisturizer without excess grease and oils will prevent the skin from becoming clogged and leading to break outs. Bellanina moisturizer is great for all skin types.

Bellanina Body Lotion: Skin varies in different areas of the body and has different needs. Bellanina body lotion is a wonderful solution for dry hands, neck, chest, back and legs. Applying a thin layer after your shower or bath will rehydrate your skin and leave it feeling smooth all day long. The convenient travel size makes this easy to carry around during the day should you need a second application.

Bellanina Eye & Throat Crème: The skin around your eyes and neck is especially delicate and prone to wrinkles. Apply this lightweight moisturizer with your pinky to avoid pulling at the skin and causing damage. Massage in thoroughly and it will help to prevent fine lines and wrinkles. **Bonus Tip: Excessive squinting or grimacing can lead to wrinkles and premature aging in the face – try to remember to avoid doing this habitually to keep your skin looking smoother and younger.**

Bellanina Advanced Protection SPF30: Whether you are lying on a beach or hitting the slopes you need to cover up! The sun is detrimental to the skin and although you may be in a cold environment the sun can still cause burning. Apply at least an SPF30 every two hours (or following a swimming or showering) to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. Remember that a beautiful tan today is leathery wrinkles ten years down the road.

Organic Lip Balm SPF15: Keep your lips smooth with this great organic lip balm. Dry lips can occur at any time during the year and this spf15 lip balm is a great way to protect your skin and give your lips the hydration they need to stay smooth and beautiful

The Bellanina Basics Travel kit comes in its own bag and can be easily added to your luggage or carry on bag. Don’t leave for your trip without these great essentials. It also makes a great holiday gift for friends, co-workers and family!

Have you ever sat down to study your complexion in the mirror and been less than satisfied with what your looking at? Your complexion is natural color, texture and appearance of your skin. Skin can look radiant, smooth and healthy or it can appear sallow, discolored and sickly depending on your state of health and how well you take care of your body and especially your skin.

The history of how a “good complexion” has been measured dates back to as early as ancient Greece and some of the most affluent philosophers of that age. The complexion was thought to be the result of four fluids that permeated the body. Later this was transformed into theories about balance in the body and temperaments. Health of an individual was determined by complexion but since complexions can vary between different individuals there was no one best complexion to have.

Your individual complexion is the result of biology. Skin color is determined by melanin in the cells and causes variation in tone. The overall health and appearance of your skin is determined by a variety of factors including your heredity and external factors like exposure to sun, chemicals or even the food you eat. Your skin is sensitive to the environment (both inside your body and outside) and taking proper care of your skin is an important step in maintaining a healthy complexion.

Improving your complexion doesn’t have to be a stressful task. Incorporating a simple skin care regimen into your morning or nightly routine can take years of stress and premature aging off your face. Start slow and build a routine that is custom tailored to your skins needs.

Tricks of the Trade:

1) Moisturize Daily – nothing is better for your skin than staying hydrated. Moisturize in the morning after cleansing the skin and at night before going to bed.

2) Exfoliate – Removing the dead skin cells that build up naturally over time can make a big difference in your skins natural ability to look fresh and smooth. Use a gentle exfoliant on your face and body to prevent premature fine lines and wrinkles from developing.

3) Correct now – Don’t wait for problems to become too significant to treat at home. If you notice dry patches, oily regions or uneven coloring use some preventative treatments designed specifically for your skin issue. Leaving a problem to “heal itself” can be more costly and time consuming to fix in the long run.

4) Protect Yourself – use a sun block even in the winter to protect your skin from sun damage.

5) Eat Right! Your body needs nutrients to stay healthy and your skin will reflect a balanced and healthy diet filled with vitamins, protein and minerals. Some natural ingredients (such as Vitamin C) will improve the overall look of your skin and they are frequently used in many skin care products.

Have you ever woken up in the morning, looked in the mirror and wondered what happened to your face during the night? It’s not just the lines on your face from a wrinkled pillowcase you notice but wrinkles on your cheeks and around your eyes and a puffiness that leaves you looking worse for wear despite a restful night.

Look at the culprit before you blame your age. Even youthful skin can fall victim to this common habit: poor sleep positions. Think about it in practical terms: if you are asleep an average of seven to eight hours a night (we can hope, right?), your skin is reacting to whatever position you assume during the night. Cramming your cheek into the pillow may feel most comfortable but stay like that for eight hours straight and it’s no wonder you wake up in the morning with wrinkles starting to form but on just one side.

Think there is no proof to back that up? Think again.

Side Sleepers

When we sleep on our side many things happen. Most important is a restriction of blood. Your skin thrives on blood and oxygen being distributed evenly thoughout the cells. Remember that your skin needs blood and oxygen to go through its normal process of developing new skin cells and exfoliating the old cells. Sleep is a great time for this process to occur because your skin is not being affected by external influences such as environment or being touched, scratched or wrinkled through normal everyday movements. When we sleep our skin and muscles relax, allowing them to rejuvenate the next day. When you nod off on your side you are placing pressure on one area of the skin and preventing this process from occurring.

Stomach Floppers

Some people can only sleep on their stomachs. There is absolutely no other way they can get comfortable and this is truly one of the worst ways to spend the night. Not only from a cardiovascular standpoint as sleeping on the stomach causes stress on the heart and chest but because it also restricts normal respiration. This impacts all areas of the body (not just the skin) and can have detrimental effects on your body and organs. If you want to think about what it is doing to your face it can cause puffiness, redness and because of the restricted blood flow, result in wrinkles and fine lines forming as early as your twenties. You will wake up looking like you just pulled a week worth of all night study sessions.

Back Drifters

This is truly the best position to sleep because it removes stress from the face and doesn’t place any undo stress on the skin. While a slightly tilted position isn’t the worst thing ever, the flatter you stay the better off you will look in the morning and in the long run. This will allow your skin to receive optimal oxygen and blood flow while releasing the normal tension the will create “blocked energy” on the face and release repetitive facial holding patterns many of us have during the day (such as furrowing the brows or frowning). It is these common behaviors that lead to prematurely aging skin and a disturbing image waiting for you in the mirror in the morning.

Simple Tricks

Many of us have one sleep position that is the most comfortable and no amount of research will change the fact that when we want to go to bed at night, it’s one way or no way. There are ways you can help “retrain” yourself to sleep on your back and start on the road to better skin.

Use pillows to hold your body in place. The body turns several times during the night so even if you end up falling asleep on your back you may very well wake up on your stomach. Try strategically placing a few pillows on your sides, around your legs or even your neck (beware any suffocation hazard if you are a heavy sleeper or take any medications that induce drowsiness) to prevent moving during the night.

If you absolutely cannot sleep on your back and need to sleep on your side, try switching to the softest fabric available for your pillow and sheets. Course fabrics will be more prone to damaging the skin and holding it in place. Smooth fabrics will free movement provide less stress on the skin.

Give your skin a running start by maintaining good hydration during the night. Dry skin is a common root of wrinkles so properly moisturizing before turning in for the night is a good way to prevent future damage. Try a light weight, oil-free moisturizer such as the Calendula Oil-Free Moisturizer to prevent the build up of uneccesary oils in the pores.

Remember that “beauty sleep” can be just that. Sleep is your body repairing and restoring itself for the day to come. Your skin needs to relax just as much as your tired feet or back so don’t overlook how you sleeping. Try to maximize your sleep so you wake up feeling and looking as refreshed as you want to be.

Microdermabrasion may sound like a scary procedure to undergo but in actuality it may be a wonderful alternative for those seeking a facial rejuvenation without going under the knife. More commonly referred to as microderm, this procedure is a non invasive way to remove the uppermost layer of dead skin cells from the face, neck, back, shoulders or anywhere else on the body. Techniques may vary but most practitioners will utilize a mechanical mechanism (such as crystals or bristle tips) and a small vacuum to clean up the removed skin cells.

Exfoliation is a natural process undergone by the skin and although it occurs throughout our entire life span, the rate slows down considerably once we reach our thirties. Dead skin cells need to be shed by the body in order for new, healthy cells to reach the surface. As this process slows sometimes dead skin cells will cling to the surface and prevent those new skin cells from taking their place. Over time this will begin to form fine lines and wrinkles as dead cells accumulate on the surface. Microdermabrasion removes this outermost layer of the epidermis to get rid of this build up, allowing new cells to surface and improving circulation at the same time.

There are many benefits to microdermabrasion that can make it an ideal alternative to more drastic cosmetic procedures. By removing dead skin cells your skin will appear smoother, more even in tone and feel healthier. Microdermabrasion can help minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars. After undergoing treatment, skin care products will be able to penetrate the surface much better and be more effective to help maintain healthy, glowing skin.

Although it is best to get your initial treatment done by a trained professional, you can keep the fresh feeling going with an at home skin care treatment plan. Consult with your esthetician for their recommendations for your skin type if you are unsure or have any other skin conditions you would like to address. The use of proper skin care products and a regular routine at home will help your skin feel smoother, more even in tone and looking younger for years to come. Try a microdermabrasion cream at home following your initial treatment to prevent future build up. Remember to follow all instructions carefully and discontinue use of any product you have a negative reaction to such as rash, swelling, itching or redness.

Microdermabrasion is one way to keep your skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Your friends will be amazed at how fabulous you look after only one treatment and there is no need to go through a painful recovery period following your appointment. Look into your alternatives for skin care treatments and research local spa’s and estheticians in your area. You may be surprised at how easy it can be to beat the hands of time!

We have all read and heard about the dangerous effects smoking can have upon our health and bodies. From physical cravings to yellowing teeth and nails, these problems can range from cosmetic annoyances to potential deadly illness. Despite these frequent warnings, however, smoking continues to pervade our society. The damage of smoking can be seen, even years after a person may have quit, because of its long term effects. No one likes to be labeled, but after years of lighting up, sometimes the “smoker” of a group can be identified from a mile away, even without a cigarette in their hands.

It is a fact of nature: if you are a smoker, you will look like a smoker.

Do You Look Like a Smoker?

Your skin is a reflection of your overall health Smooth texture, even tone and the overall elasticity and color are all a result of good health and a conscience effort to take care of your body. Although there are hundreds of reasons your skin may not look its best on any given day, overall when healthy your skin should be firm, toned and even in color.

People who are “seasoned smokers” tend to have telltale signs and depending on how many cigarettes are smoked in a day and how many years the person has been smoking, these can range dramatically in severity. From lines around the lips, eyes and cheeks to a gray coloring of the skin, smoking ushers in premature aging.

It is the toxins within a single cigarette that are absorbed directly into your blood stream and impact the appearance and condition of your skin. The blood cells begin to narrow and constrict, impacting the development of healthy new skin cells. With the reduction of oxygen to the cells, they can no longer efficiently remove waste or regenerate. Over time this will lead to a significant reduction in the collagen production within the skin and cause trademark sagging skin tissue that is associated with extended smoking.

Reversing the Damage?

So you have made the pro-active choice to quit smoking and better your health. Years later your skin still makes you look ten years older than you actually are and you just don’t like the image staring back at you in the mirror. What can you do? Is there a way to reverse the damage?

Repairing the damages from smoking is a long term commitment and will require patience above all else. Remember that years of smoke damage requires years of repair for every part of your body and that includes the skin. Start by providing your skin with what smoking robbed of it for so long – healthy blood to promote healthy development. Exercise and a healthy diet play a huge role in this because it will increase circulation and bring healthy nutrients back to skin.

Dramatic results may not be possible, depending on the level of damage, but there are steps you can take to minimize the effects. Consult with a dermatologist before beginning any skin care program and learn all your options before deciding on a course of action. Remember a well informed decision can save you time and money in the long run.

Understand what the damage is and focus on those key areas. Fine lines and wrinkles can be the result of reduced skin cell production and the accumulation of dead skin cells on the surface. Smoking dehydrates the skin so boosting the moisture in your skin cells will be a major component of any skin care plan. A peel or deep exfoliation may be required to remove that excess build up of grime and debris and get your plan off on the right foot.

Expensive skin care treatments are not always an option for the average consumer and there are options still available. Cosmeceuticals are intensive skin care products that are one grade below pharmaceutical options (which require prescriptions to obtain). These products contain alpha hydroxyl and glycolic acid ingredients which are designed to seek out free radical damage and dramatically reverse skin damage. These products penetrate the outer skin layer and begin to repair the skin from the deepest levels.

Remember that you may not be able to reverse all or even most of the damage to your skin but you can take positive steps towards regaining that healthy glow from your youth. Be patient with your body and your skin, allowing it the time it needs to repair itself. Create a plan and stick with it, even if you don’t see dramatic results right away. By learning why your skin is damaged and making the choice to help your skin rejuvenate itself, you have already taken the most difficult step. Commit to your health and to your body by not “looking” like a smoker any longer!

Mother Nature keeps some of her greatest secrets to better skin care tucked away in her plant, flower and herbal remedies. One of the greatest hidden treasures is Aloe for its wonderful and effective healing properties. Widely known for its use on burns and skin irritations, did you know that aloe is also a popular ingredient in anti-aging skin care products?

So how does aloe benefit the skin exactly? It begins by hydrating the skin cells which is perhaps the most important part of achieving healthier skin overall. By refreshing your cells and providing them with the moisture they so desperately need, you are allowing healthy new skin cells to develop. It is the accumulation of dead skin cells that leads to your skin appearing aged, dull and lackluster.

Many skin care products utilize aloe in combination with other herbal and natural remedies to maximize the benefits and tackle multiple skin treatments simultaneously. Since aloe can soften those persistent dead skin cells, it makes exfoliating them away that much simpler. By revealing the healthy new skin cells just beneath the surface of all that build up, your skin will begin to look smoother with a better, more even texture.

Aloe stimulates and increases blood flow to your skin cells. As a topical ointment it can be used directly on irritations, burns, rashes and sunburns to reduce inflammation and soothe pain and itching. This is achieved because aloe contains natural anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Note: The use of aloe for medicinal purposes should always be under the advice of a doctor – this article is should not be used for medical recommendations.

Finding products that utilize Aloe is not a difficult task. Aloe is used all over the world and the Cosmeceuticals industry is no exception to this. Try an aloe infused moisturizer to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Daily use will help rejuvenate the skin and allow healthier new skin cells to develop. A deep cleansing mask will help to alleviate clogged pores and clear skin blemishes. Use a sun block containing aloe to prevent damage from the sun before it occurs or a topical aloe moisturizer to reduce damage that has already occurred.

Find your Aloe treatment today and you to can benefit from all the secrets Mother Nature has to offer.

The eyes see everything but themselves unless you are looking in a mirror. Your eyes are the window to your emotions and communicate a magnitude of information to the world around you. Over the years the delicate skin surrounding your eyes can develop fine lines and wrinkles through the natural aging process. Keeping your eyes youthful is the key to making sure that when someone looks deep into your eyes they see wisdom, not age.

Not all eye formulations are the same and knowing how different products can benefit your skin will save you time and frustration during this process. We use the term process because a dedication to allowing your skin the time it needs to repair and rejuvenate will provide you with the results you are longing to see. Proper skin care is a lifelong commitment to yourself and the person you want to be.

Botanical eye and throat crèmes are a basic step that will tighten and tone the skin surrounding the eyes with no irritation. Thinner skin needs lighter lotions and moisturizers to avoid build up and most eye crèmes are designed to absorb easily into the tissue. This type of crème will hydrate the skin (dry skin leads to fine lines) and provide a smoother texture.

Alpha lipoic eye crèmes are a slightly more intensive treatment for fine lines and wrinkles that occur in the eye tissue. Alpha lipoic based crèmes will reduce puffiness, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and help to diminish dark circles. Alpha lipoic acids are especially beneficial for mature skin care because they are an antioxidant and rejuvenate healthy cell production.

Bellanina Cosmeceutical Stem cell repair serum is made from a rare Swiss apple, Uttwiler Spatlauber, which is extremely rich in phytonutrients, proteins, and long-living stem cells. These qualities give the apple excellent storability, and therefore, great longevity potential. This serum is a liposomal preparation developed from these unique plant-based cells. Problem Epidermal stem cells replenish and maintain the balance of cells within the skin tissue and regenerate tissue damages during injury. But with age, the number of skin stem cells decreases and their ability to repair the skin becomes less efficient. This serum provides an anti-wrinkle effect on Crow’s feet. In studies, 100% of the test subjects showed a significant and visible decrease in wrinkle depth

Natural and organic eye treatments provide paraben-free alternatives. These products use all natural ingredients that can offer many health benefits such as reduction of puffiness, reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles, increasing circulation and dark eye reduction. Plant extracts offer a variety of very beneficial treatment options for people looking for dramatic, all natural skin care solutions.

Eye gels are typically used for intensive treatment around the eyes to repair damaged and aged skin. This includes fine lines, wrinkles, dryness and puffiness. Specialized treatments may focus on boosting elasticity or reducing the appearance of darkness or bags beneath the eyes. These products are available in both natural and botanical product lines.

Take a positive step forward in your skin care routine and search for specialized treatments for your eyes. Remember that your skin and its needs vary depending on which part of your body you are focusing on and not all moisturizers are the same. Seek out a consultation with an esthetician for more specialized information or skin care options.

Walking through an average cosmetic or health care aisle can be a wild adventure as well as an educational experience. The shelves are lined with mysterious concoctions, all claiming to be the miracle cure for your skin. These special brews come complete with fancy containers, shiny labels and seven syllable words to boggle your mind. Venture closer to these magic elixirs and notice the fine print:

Normal skin
Dry Skin
Oily Skin
Sensitive Skin

You feel your fingers moving up to your cheek as you wonder; what skin type am I? What if I have sensitive skin and just don’t know it? Does one dry patch mean I need dry skin care? Will products meant for oily skin completely ruin my face?

The list of questions can go on and on with no end in sight until you realize that you can come to this mysterious world armed with knowledge and ready to go to battle. Choose wisely and you will benefit greatly from your decision. Choose poorly and you will need to return and choose again.

Normal Skin

First of all remove “normal” and insert “average”. People with other skin types are not “abnormal” and should not feel as such. Millions of people have each skin type listed and there are products specially targeted for each type.

A product labeled “normal skin” is intended for use on healthy, hydrated, even toned skin with small pores and no history of irritation from skin care products. The skin retains good elasticity, good complexion and there are no blemishes.

Most “normal skin” targeted products can be used on all skin types but may not produced treatment effects for certain skin issues.

Oily Skin

Perhaps one of the more dreaded skin types to have because of the negative connotations associated with it and potential self consciousness it can create. The result of overactive sebaceous (oil-producing) glands, this skin type can appear quite shiny, feel slightly greasy to the touch and is prone to acne and enlarged pores.

Products targeted for this skin type typically contain ingredients meant to cleanse the pores, exfoliate the skin and remove the excess oil and grime build up. These products would not be very beneficial for people with dry skin.

Dry Skin

Dry skin can be the result of genetics, the environment, exposure to chemicals and a variety of other causes. Dry skin is trademarked by tiny pores, flaky or ashy texture, fine lines and wrinkles and/or cracked skin.

Products for dry skin focus on re-hydrating the skin cells and stimulating healthy skin cells to develop. Many products will contain fat-soluble ingredients that penetrate the skin’s outer layer to reach the interior layers to replenish moisture from within. Exfoliants are used to shed away dead skin cells build up and reduce flaky texture.


As the name suggests, this skin type is a combination of the three above. Meaning it is possible (and frequent) to have normal skin with an oily “t-zone” which is the bridge of the nose and forehead. Perhaps dry lips with normal skin or dry forehead but the rest of your face is normal.

This skin type generally uses spot specific treatments to correct problem areas and “normal skin” care products for the rest of the face. This could include blemish control for oily areas if needed, masques for application on the t-zone, special creams for the eyes or lips, etc. Consult with an esthetician or dermatologist if you need more help creating an effective skin care routine.

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is very typically dry and very reactive to heat, cold and any substances used on it. That can include all skin products, hair products and chemicals. Irritation may include rash, hives, itching, redness and swelling.

These skin care products are specially designed to omit using chemicals known to irritate sensitive skin but cannot be guaranteed. People with especially reactive skin should always consult with a doctor before beginning any new skin care treatment. Discontinue use of products at the first sign of negative reaction and take precaution by always wearing sun block to protect the sensitive tissue.

Final Thoughts

Have you figured out where you’re at yet and what to buy? Don’t be ashamed if you don’t have “normal skin” because the truth of the matter is, most people don’t. Focus on what problem areas you would like to focus on and choose a skin care routine that will be easy to maintain long term. The most important issue in skin care is persistence and maintenance. You must follow your individual plan every day and stick with it for your entire life. That is not meant to sound like a prison sentence, merely a reminder that skin care is not something you can do occasionally and expect to see real results.

We know, it sounds strange, but the benefits of Retinol for the skin are pretty amazing! You may be wondering what the heck Retinol is and how beneficial could it be if you haven’t already heard of it but trust us, you have! Retinol is the fancy name for Vitamin A and we know you’ve heard of that!

Vitamin A is actually one of the most beneficial vitamins that can be used in skin care because its small molecular structure allows it to penetrate the outer layer of skin and reach those deeper layers where problems can develop. Anti-aging skin care products utilize vitamin A for this very reason because it can help restore collagen production, increase skin elasticity and provide a healthy, glowing complexion.

The retinol is actually assisting in revitalizing normal cell renewal. As the body ages, cells can become misshapen and altered, making your skin develop fine lines, wrinkles and early sagging tissue around the eyes, cheeks and throat. This is where Retinol becomes so valuable because it can reverse damage while helping new and healthy skin cell development to prevent further damage. Pretty great, right?

Vitamin A is not only important in healthy skin care – it is important for growth, development and good health for your entire body. In fact, a deficiency in Vitamin A can lead to serious health risks so be sure to watch your vitamin A intake carefully (note: vitamin A in extreme quantities can lead to severe health problems – consult with a nutritionist or dietician if you need further information).

Many products containing Retinol are serums or creams that are formulated to be rubbed directly onto the skin. Continuing use of products containing Retinol should result in the diminishment of fine lines and wrinkles and improve the overall texture of your skin. You skin may be more sensitive to the sun when using products containing Retinol – be sure to protect your skin by using a SPF 30 sun block. It is important to pay attention to potential interactions with other skin care products; you should avoid using multiple skin treatments containing Retinol.