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With so many types of massage and alternative therapies available today, it can be difficult to understand just what services a massage therapist is offering to you when you book an appointment at your local day spa. Although you don’t need to understand the intricacies of every type of massage out there, a basic understanding of any service you are about to receive is important for you and the therapist. The key to massage is clear communication between the therapist and client so your needs are met and the therapist can adjust treatment for your specific goals and requirements.

Reiki massage does not actually exist as a type of massage therapy. Reiki actually refers to the usage of spiritual energy to heal a person’s aura or situation. Massage can be incorporated into massage therapy however and many massage therapists receive training to combine the two practices and promote spiritual and physical well-being. But what should you, as a client, expect during your visit?

A typical Reiki massage will begin at the head and the therapist will cover the seven chakras or energy centers of the body. Reiki massage would be very different for someone expecting a traditional massage that involves kneading and muscle work. A therapist performing Reiki will actually keep their hands still during the appointment and the healing energy is sent through channels from the practitioner to the client.

A massage without muscle work may not seem like a massage to you so let’s take a look at what the benefit of Reiki massage offers to clients. Reiki is used to treat many different conditions including TMJ (sometimes called lock-jaw), muscle pain, tension, stress and injury healing and pain management (just to name a few).

Reiki massage does not require skin-to-skin contact and as a client, you should experience no ill side effects from this type of treatment. Reiki therapists are taught meditation and hand placements for the seven areas of the body. Reiki therapists transfer energy to the body and remove negative energy – treatment for different conditions or concerns may be fast or occur over a period of time. This is true of any type of therapy as severe conditions may require extensive treatments to obtain maximum benefits.

Reiki massage is certainly not for everyone and this article is not meant to encourage reiki as an alternative to more traditional therapies for medical conditions. Understanding treatments offered is the first step towards becoming a more knowledgeable client and make your massage therapy beneficial. If you don’t believe in or support Reiki try working with your massage therapist to find a type that is more aligned with your needs and goals.

As Western culture seeks new and more holistic methods for treating certain ailments, there are many that have been brought over from China and Japan and slowly introduced into United States culture. Always consult with your primary health care physician before utilizing any alternative therapies to know if they are safe and recommended. Some medical conditions are not conducive to receiving massage and any known medical problems should be reported to your massage therapist prior to your session.

There are many dramatic ways to make an impact on your appearance. If you’re looking for a way to get smoother skin and a healthy glow, consider making an appointment at your local day spa for a chemical peel. Peels are considered to be a faster, cheaper and much less invasive than other more dramatic steps (such as plastic surgery).

What is a peel?

A peel utilizes a chemical solution that is specifically designed to remove dead skin. Essentially it “peels” away a layer of dead skin cells to reveal the smoother and less wrinkled skin below. Although going to a dermatologist is not required to receive this treatment, it should only be performed by a professional who has received training in this procedure and is licensed (such as a dermatologist, esthetician or plastic surgeon).

What Kinds of Peels Are There?

There are several types of chemical peels available and which would be most appropriate for you depends largely on what your desired results are. There is no “one size fits all” and understanding your options will help you in your decision.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids – This is the mildest form of peel designed to target fine lines and wrinkles, areas of dryness, uneven pigmentation and acne. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA’s) are naturally occurring carboxylic acids. These can also be combined with certain cleansers to be used on a daily basis to improve skin texture.
Note: This is a mild peel but may still cause stinging, redness, irritation, dryness or take multiple treatments to achieve desired results.

Beta Hydroxy Acids – This type of peel is sometimes used over stronger AHA peels because it can penetrate the skin deeper. This primarily uses a salicylic acid that will control excess oil, acne and remove dead skin cells.

Retinoic Acid Peel – This is derived from retinoids (which is denatured vitamin A). This type of peel is much deeper than Beta peels and would be used to remove scars as well as wrinkles and pigmentation issues. Note: The peel is left on the face and the peeling process usually occurs on the third day.

Trichloroacetic acid peels – this is as an intermediate to deep peeling agent in concentrations ranging from 20-50%. It is preferred for people with darker skin tones over Phenol peels. It will be used to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, remove superficial blemishes and correct skin pigment problems.
Note: This may require several treatments to obtain desired results. You will need to use sun block for several months following this treatment (required). It can take several days to heal depending on the depth of treatment – consult with your technician for further information.

Phenol Peels – This is the strongest type and is a deep skin peel. The phenol is actually a carrier for another component in the peel, croton oil, which is the active ingredient. The effects of this peel are extremely long lasting (up to 20 years) and a single treatment can usually be sufficient to obtain the desired results.


Chemical peels may require several treatments to receive maximum benefits but are considerably less expensive than plastic surgery and do not require long recovery times. They can be performed on an outpatient basis with your dermatologist or at your local day spa. Consult with your technician or doctor about the benefits and risks of any treatment you are considering.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking for dramatic results but do not want to pursue surgical options, a chemical peel may be a good step for you. Research peels available in your area and ask questions. Smoother, younger looking skin is possible and can be achieved with proper skin care. Remember to ask questions and study your options carefully.

Celebrities are notorious for being accused of using cosmetic surgery to maintain their good looks into maturity. A little “nip & tuck” procedure to reduce lines, redefine the chin or lift the brow can knock several years off your appearance. For decades, plastic surgery has been the solution to many middle aged (and sometimes younger) women and men’s solution to the battle against aging.
But before you go under the knife, consider the alternatives and evaluate your options carefully. Unnecessary surgery is not only time consuming and expensive, it also places your body under extreme stress and physical discomfort during the healing process. Added to that…without a change in how you care for your skin and body, you will still suffer the effects of aging down the line. More surgery means more scarring and more time spent trying to recover. The face and body is meant to age and it is a natural process. By using surgery to turn back the hands of time the face you see staring back at you in the mirror will not be your younger self, merely a shadow of who you used to be.

Learning about alternatives to surgery and testing a few non invasive procedures out is a great way to see significant results without the excessive costs and risks. Understanding what is happening to your face and body, why your appearance is changing, is a valuable tool in learning new ways to combat these problems without needing to resort to surgical intervention.

What causes fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin?

There is a myriad of reasons why our skin begins to lose that tight and toned look. A major reason is the slowed production of collagen and loss of elasticity that allowed your skin to stay firm in your younger years. This will lead to sagging, hallowed cheeks and loose skin around the eyes, neck and ears.
Wrinkles are another common complaint that can be the result of natural aging as well. We all know that skin sheds and new skin cells are being formed constantly and migrate to the surface but what you may not know is that as we age this process slows also and sometimes the dead skin cells don’t shed away as easily. As skin cells accumulate on the surface this causes lines and wrinkles to form (dry and unhealthy appearing skin are also results).

So what can you do?

Lack of proper skin care can be the source of many early signs of aging. Developing a healthy skin care routine and targeting any problem areas before they become severe can dramatically slow the signs of aging. This includes cleansing the skin, using a daily moisturizer that is designed for maturing skin (boost collagen production, stimulates skin, etc.) and protecting yourself from excessive sun exposure.
It sounds too simple and easy to be effective, right? The truth of the matter is that by treating your skin right and keeping a daily routine, your skin can stay smooth well into older age. It’s all about taking control of the process of aging and not allowing problems to build up with no preventative action.

But I Really Want Something Dramatic, Not More Creams!

Maintaining a regular routine will be important no matter which route you decide on but if you are looking for something more dramatic that doesn’t involve surgery, there are options! Have you considered a facelift massage series? Not quite a facial, not just a massage but an innovative combination that stimulates the skin and more importantly the muscles beneath the skin.

A facelift massage typically requires a series of 6 (ideally 12) treatments that is designed to stimulate the collagen production and renew the former elasticity of the skin, while smoothing the fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and neck. It is a relaxing treatment that takes typically an hour to complete.
The Bellanina Facelift Massage is a wonderful example of this revolutionary technique. Inspired by treatments used during the stars in Hollywood’s glamour days, the Bellanina Facelift Massage will rejuvenate the skin while soothing the mind and senses. Bellanina practitioners are available around the United States and can work with clients to target individual concerns and needs.

Where can I learn more?

Check out alternative options to surgery online and do your research carefully. Fully understand the benefits and potential risks before making your decision. Try an alternative treatment before resorting to consulting a plastic surgeon- you may be surprised how a change in behavior can result in significant changes to your appearance and outlook on skin care.